
Bancarella is a versatile cabinet styled in stainless steel ideal for the display of Grab & Go, as well as cheese, cold cuts, dairy, fruit and veg and even patisserie. The original shape of its legs makes it an unique display in the world of supermarket equipment.
- Ergonomic tilted deck and shelves for enhanced product visibility
- Available in 3 heights
- Available in both plug-In R290 and remote HFC and Co2
- Easy to install and clean
Available versions:
B H. 900 mm, B+1 H.1200 mm, B+2 H. 1400 mm
Available lengths:
1250*, 1940* (also as headpiece), 2500, 3750 mm
Outer Depth 960 mm, Display Depth 750 mm
Temperature class: 3M2
Refrigerant remote cabinet: CO2/R449A/R513A
Refrigerant Plug-in: R290*
Standard features:
- Energy saving fans
- Ergonomic tilted deck and shelves
- Shelves in tempered glass
- Plexiglass product retainer riser
- Interior and exterior painted RAL
- Shelves in stainless steel AISI 304
- Manual night curtain
- Price trim holder

** The energy class information given here refers to standard models and precise product configurations and fittings. Other configurations may result in a significant change in the energy class information.